
Building & Grounds

​Brian Schelhaas, Chairman

This committee is responsible for keeping the church building,
​parsonage and grounds attractive and in good repair

Communion Arrangements

​ Ray Schelhaas, Chairman

This committee is responsible for preparing the communion
elements and taking the elements to shut-ins.


​ Ryan Blom,  Chairman
This committee is responsible for overseeing the congregation’s
ministries of teaching God’s Word to members of all ages.


Dave Brons, Chairman

This committee is responsible for engaging in review, decision-
​making and supervision on behalf of the council as directed by
​the council.


Kirk Van Hulzen, Chairpersons

This committee is responsible for encouraging interest in missions
​within the congregation and providing prayer and emotional
support for our missionaries.


​ Randy Pater, Chairman

This committee is responsible for planning, coordinating and
​overseeing the ministry of music in the worship services and
​educational programs of the church.